Registration & Fees

Registration & Fees

Your registration for the 2024 Ciarb Nigeria Conference includes access to all sessions and workshops, comprehensive Conference materials, and the Gala Night. Additionally, you have the opportunity to participate in exclusive networking events. Choose from a 9-hole golf tournament, a wine-tasting session, or an art gallery visit. Please note that spaces for these special activities are limited. Please register early to ensure participation in your preferred event.

Early Bird Rates (Offer ends August 31 2024)
Regular Rates

Associates (In Person)



Associates (Virtual)



Members (In Person)



Members (Virtual)



Fellows (In Person)



Fellows (Virtual)



Judiciary (In Person)



Judiciary (Virtual)



Non-Members (In Person)



Non-Members (Virtual)



Foreign Delegates (In Person)



Foreign Delegates (Virtual)



Cancellation Policy

If you are unable to attend the Ciarb Conference 2024 after registering and paying the fee, you may nominate a substitute delegate.

Please notify us of all substitutions and cancellations in writing via email at Use the subject line: “Ciarb Conference 2024 Cancellation/Substitution.”

The following deductions will apply to cancellations:

  • Cancellations before 31 August 2024: 25% fee for administrative costs.
  • Cancellations between 1 September and 30 September 2024: 50% fee.
  • Cancellations after 1 October 2024: No refund.

For those unable to attend in person, we offer a comprehensive virtual attendance option (subject to availability), allowing you to experience key sessions and participate in discussions online.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in helping us deliver a successful Conference experience.

Register Now and Get Early Bird Prices

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